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Chocolate recipes

Mouth Watering Chocolate Butter Cream Recipe

Chocolate Butter Creams

Even the name of this recipe seems to melt in your mouth. This is not a recipe for the diet-conscious.
  • 2 ½ cups of sugar,
  • ½ a cup of water,
  • ¼ a cup of glucose,
  • ¼ a cup of butter,
  • 2 ½ ozs of Baker's Premium Chocolate,
  • 2 teaspoonfuls of vanilla,
  • ½ a pound of Baker's "Dot" Chocolate.

Put the sugar, water, glucose and butter over the fire; stir until the sugar is melted, then cook to the soft ball degree, or 236° F.; pour on a damp marble and leave until cold; then pour on the Premium Chocolate, melted over hot water, and with a spatula turn to a cream. This process is longer than with the ordinary fondant. Cover the chocolate fondant with a bowl and let stand for thirty minutes; knead well and set over the fire in a double boiler; add the vanilla and stir until melted. The mixture is now ready to be dropped into small impressions in starch; when cold and brushed free of starch dip in "Dot" Chocolate. When dropping the chocolate mixture into the starch it should be just soft enough to run level on the top. If too soft it will not hold its shape in coating.

These old fashioned chocolate recipes are taken from the classic cookbook: Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes. View more recipes [index].


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