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Chocolate recipes

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Put one pint of milk in the double-boiler, and on the fire. Shave two ounces of Walter Baker and Co.'s Chocolate, and put it in a small pan with four tablespoonfuls of sugar and two of boiling water. Stir over the fire until smooth and glossy, and add to the hot milk. Beat together for eight minutes the yolks of four eggs, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, and a saltspoonful of salt, and then add one gill of cold milk.

Pour the boiling milk on this, stirring well. Return to the double-boiler, and cook for five minutes, stirring all the time. Pour into a cold bowl and set the bowl in cold water. Stir for a few minutes, and then occasionally until the sauce is cold.

This sauce is nice for cold or hot cornstarch pudding, bread pudding, cold cabinet pudding, snow pudding, etc. It will also answer for a dessert. Fill custard glasses with it, and serve the same as soft custard; or have the glasses two-thirds full, and heap up with whipped cream.

These old fashioned chocolate recipes are taken from the classic cookbook: Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes. View more recipes [index].


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