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Chocolate recipes

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In 1-2 lb. and 1-5 lb. cakes, and in metal boxes for toilet uses

One-half the weight of the cocoa-bean consists of a fat called "cocoa-butter," from its resemblance to ordinary butter. It is considered of great value as a nutritious, strengthening tonic, being preferred to cod-liver oil and other nauseous fats so often used in pulmonary complaints. As a soothing application to chapped hands and lips, and all irritated surfaces, cocoa-butter has no equal, making the skin remarkably soft and smooth. Many who have used it say they would not for any consideration be without it. It is almost a necessary article for every household.

Trade-mark on every package

These old fashioned chocolate recipes are taken from the classic cookbook: Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes. View more recipes [index].


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