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Chocolate recipes

recipe book


In 1 lb. and 1-2 lb. packages

Cocoa-shells are the thin outer covering of the beans. They have a flavor similar to but milder than cocoa. Their very low price places them within the reach of all; and as furnishing a pleasant and healthy drink, they are considered superior to tea and coffee.

Packed only in 1 lb. and 1/2 lb. papers, with our label and name on them.

Trade-mark on every package


In boxes, 6 lbs. each; 1-2 lb. bottles

A compound formerly known as Racabout des Arabes; a most nutritious preparation; indispensable as an article of diet for children, convalescents, ladies, and delicate or aged persons. It is composed of the best nutritive and restoring substances, suitable for the most delicate system. It is now a favorite breakfast beverage for ladies and young persons, to whom it gives freshness and embonpoint. It has solved the problem of medicine by imparting something which is easily digestible and at the same time free from the exciting qualities of coffee and tea, thus making it especially desirable for nervous persons or those afflicted with weak stomachs.

It has a very agreeable flavor, is easily prepared, and has received the commendation of eminent physicians as being the best article known for convalescents and all persons desiring a light, digestible, nourishing and strengthening food.

These old fashioned chocolate recipes are taken from the classic cookbook: Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes. View more recipes [index].


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