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Chocolate recipes

recipe book


  • Fondant,
  • Candied or Maraschino cherries,
  • Flavoring of almond or vanilla,
  • Chopped peanuts,
  • ½ a pound of Baker's "Dot" Chocolate.

Melt the fondant over hot water and add the flavoring. Put a bit of cherry in the bottom of each starch impression, then turn in the melted fondant, to fill the impressions and have them level on the top. Let the chocolate, broken in bits, be melted over warm water, then add as many chopped peanuts as can be well stirred into it; let cool to about 80° F. and in it drop the creams, one at a time; as coated dispose them on table oil cloth or waxed paper.

These old fashioned chocolate recipes are taken from the classic cookbook: Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes. View more recipes [index].


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